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Lesson Schedule
*For those attending for the first time, please pre-register here.
Date | Topic | Number of people in group |
Sep 4 (Sun) 20:00~21:00 | If you could move anywhere, where would you like to live? どこにでも移住出来るとすればどこに住みたい? | Talk in group of 2-4 people
2~4人のグループで話します |
Sep 10 (Sat) 10:00~11:00 | Things you would like to do in Japan or other countries. 日本や他国でやってみたいこと | Talk in group of 2-4 people
2~4人のグループで話します |
Sep 15 (Thu) 20:00~21:00 | About animals and pets 動物・ペットについて | Talk in group of 2-4 people
2~4人のグループで話します |
Sep 18 (Sun) 20:00~21:00 | About language study 語学学習について | Talk one on one 1:1で話します |
Sep 24 (Sat) 10:00~11:00 | About memorable experiences 思い出に残る体験について | Talk in group of 2-4 people
2~4人のグループで話します |
Sep 29 (Thu) 20:00~21:00 | What is your favorite staple food? Bread? Rice? Potatoes? Noodles? 主食は何派?パン?ご飯?じゃがいも?麺? | Talk one on one 1:1で話します |
Reservations are accepted up to 15 min before the lesson starts.
Click here to book a lesson
Added 1:1 talking session. For details, go to the bottom of the page.
2 types of language exchange lesson
We will talk in groups of 2 to 4 people, depending on the number of participants and their language level. For beginners who request support, a supporter will be available to assist with group communication. There will be 20 minutes each for English speaking time and Japanese speaking time, and there will be no group changes during the class.
This is recommended for those who want to interact in a group.
The participants will be divided into groups of two and talk 1:1, with three 15-minute sections each, changing pairs after each section. As much as possible, we try to pair Japanese learners with English learners, but there is a possibility that the Japanese learners will be paired with other Japanese learners or English learners with other English learners in some sections.
If it happens, that section will be a time to talk in only the learning language.
This is recommended for those who want to speak a lot of the learning language on a 1:1 basis.
Talk in a group of 2~4 people
Talk one on one

Click here to check the time schedule for the day
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